Comité de Madres y Familiares de los Desaparecidos, Presos Políticos y Asesinados, Monseñor Oscar Arnulfo Romero

(Committee of Mothers and Relatives of the Disappeared, Political Prisoners and Assassinated, Monsignor Oscar Arnulfo Romero)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

[Inez] Getting famous!

I follow a few El Salvador-related blogs. I'm more likely keep up with blogs than one of the Salvadoran newspapers, so it's a good way for me to keep in touch with Salvador news and daily life when I'm not there. 

One of the blogs I follow is El Salvador from the Inside. It's written by a woman from the US who married a Salvadoran man and moved to El Salvador. She shares stories about her experiences as a "gringa in El Salvador" and like any transplant, is struck by things that may seem commonplace for a native. I appreciate this perspective, since of course I'm a "gringa in El Salvador" every time I go. We, perhaps, share a similar lens through which we view El Salvador and categorize our experiences.

I've never met Jenny in person, but today she was kind enough to share our CoMadres project with her readers. I encourage you to check out her blog (El Salvador from the Inside)! It's a great way to learn about some of the ins and outs of Salvadoran daily life.

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